The rise of hybrid working
Hybrid working has become a de facto way of working for many and is defining the future of work. The way we work has changed forever, and there has been a seismic shift in the way people want to work. Work trends have accelerated, and people now enjoy the choice and freedom of working remotely. Businesses are now facing challenges they have never had to face before, and a change management approach is needed to navigate to a better way of working for all.

Getting the balance back: The return to office playbook
First impressions count and as the world looks to return back to the office more regularly, we look at how to create a great experience as we rebalance the way we work. We’ve put together an RTO playbook with 5 critical success factors to getting your people back together successfully, helping you reinvent the purpose of the hybrid office, and to build an amazing experience, so your people are free to do their best work.
What is hybrid working?
Hybrid working is a form of flexible working, work time I split between the workplace and working from anywhere, often working from home. Simply put, hybrid working is a flexible working model where employees can work from different locations. Employers and employees are given more autonomy with trust and flexibility which can result in higher levels of productivity and performance.
3 Hybrid workforce strategies your company needs to succeed
When the pandemic forced the whole world to start working from home, no one could have predicted what would happen when it was time to return to the office.
Hybrid ways of working in post-pandemic times
That’s one of the key takeaways from a study by Microsoft in March 2021. Business leaders are thriving despite the challenging conditions workers face during the pandemic.
What to Consider When Moving to a Hybrid Work Model
It is clear that COVID-19 will have a geological impact on the world of work. The pandemic has permanently altered the way that many people conduct business.
9 hot desking practices for desk sharing success
The substantial shift in the way we work has been difficult for everyone to manage. While we tend to focus on making the switch easier on businesses, we can’t forget that employees may also struggle to get their heads around it.
Why your office needs a workspace scheduling solution
The workplace as we know it changed immensely during the pandemic, and offices do not — and should not — look the same as they once did.
Getting hybrid working right
Hybrid working is about understanding how your people work best and giving the flexibility to facilitate new ways of working. Technology enables the change and helps coordinate and schedule people, space and time into a seamless workplace experience.
How to succeed in the new hybrid workplace model
Moving to a hybrid workplace model is no longer a niche trend. It’s a movement that’s happening worldwide, and (especially for young people) it seems to be the next big workplace evolution.
Tips to Help Overcome Employee Resistance to Change
With businesses, schools and government either opened or having identified dates by which they will reopen in-person activities, a greater sense of pre-pandemic normalcy is settling in.
Hot-desking problems and their solutions in order to succeed
The Hot-desking problems has become increasingly popular thanks to the increase in hybrid working. It’s a great way to promote flexibility in the workplace while optimizing space usage.
Hot-desking essentials
There’s a new way of working that has taken over our offices. In the wake of the pandemic, hybrid working — a combination of in-office and remote working — is fast becoming the new normal.
COVID-19 and the future of the hybrid workplace
The pandemic turned everything we knew on its head, and while some sectors can return to how things were, the office will never be the same again.
Hybrid Meetings Versus Virtual Meetings
As much as some may hope, virtual meetings aren’t going away any time soon. Hybrid work is quickly becoming the preferred way of working, and we need to adapt to the new way of communicating.
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Here are some other resources to help you build an amazing flexible workplace experience.
The Role of a Workplace Experience Manager: Defined
What’s changed in your workplace over the last 18 months? It’s a big question to ask — with many, varied answers. A workplace experience manager specializes in managing workplace change and ensuring that the workplace continues to fulfill the needs of the organization and the staff as a whole.
What is Hot Desking Anxiety & How to Help Employees Overcome It
With many companies transitioning away from the pre-pandemic Monday-Friday, 9-5 in-person work week in favor of a hybrid model that allows employees to split time between the office and home, there is no longer as much of a need for permanent, individual offices.
Workplace Experience: What Is It & Why Is It Important
With return to in-person work plans being finalized after more than one year of many companies being forced into a remote modality because of COVID-19, research has shown both employees and employers have a desire to maintain flexibility in the workplace.
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